How to Pray for the Search Process

Emmanuel is at an exciting time of renewal and a new season is beginning. Just as the Israelites knew they needed God to intervene when they left Egypt, we too need God to guide us and supply what we are lacking. Please consider these prayer requests from your Search Committee to help aid your prayers in this exciting process. God will provide.

How to Pray for the Search Committee

Pray for wisdom to choose the right person. Pray that all on the team would be renewing their minds in the Bible so that they can have Word centered wisdom (Romans 12:1-2)

Pray for discipline and endurance as the process requires a great deal of follow-through on the parts of individuals, that we would stay focused.

Pray for patience. Pray that the team would wait for God’s timing

Pray for unity and the mind of Christ. Much of the process is subjective. Personal opinions and preferences are involved. Differences can divide. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring the humble attitude of Christ.

Pray for protection from spiritual warfare as attacks will increase on the team and the church. Satan will try to discourage and divide. Pray that the Spirit of Christ would give each of us on the team discernment to identify spiritual attacks verses our daily challenges we encounter.

How to Pray for the Next Pastor

Pray that God would increase his desire to lead worship and to minister to youth.

Pray that God would give him a love for Emmanuel and the vision and strength to leave his current position or home.

Pray that he would begin new relationships at Emmanuel right away even during the search process.

Pray that God would use his current challenges to shepherd the flock more effectively

Pray for the next pastor’s family, if he is married, and that God would minister to each member of the family as they consider joining us. 

How to Pray for Emmanuel

Pray for patience. The search process can go longer than expected. It is hard work for the people doing the work of searching. It is also difficult for the congregation who must wait without knowing exactly what is going on.

Pray that the church would trust the Search Committee and uphold the team in the process.

Pray that Emmanuel would grow to place a higher value on private and corporate worship as well as the teaching and training of the next generation.

Pray that God would provide for what is needed now.

