January 21, 2018

Who Am I and Who Are You?

Preacher: Pastor Pete Hoglund Series: The Worthy Walk Topic: Christian Life Scripture: Ephesians 6:21–24

Imagine a church where our relationships are experienced as a beloved family, brothers and sisters, not acquaintances or people that share pleasantries every other Sunday but a supernaturally designed family from heaven by GOD HIMSELF.

 Imagine a church whose relationships are known as people who are faithful, reliable servants, brothers and sisters who are working for the clearly defined purposes of Christ.

Imagine a church whose people are informed messengers of the work of Christ in their midst. They proclaim on the behalf of Christ of what He is doing in their lives and in their world.

Imagine a church made up of people who, at their core are caregivers, who have a vision and ownership to care for one another and don’t wait for the pastor to do it.

As we close our study on the letter to the Ephesians Paul briefly introduces us to an associate of his whom he has worked with who knows his life and ministry. Tychicus (Ty Khee Kus) is abeloved brother, faithful helper, informed messenger and deliverer of comforter.

Can you imagine a church where the above are obvious hallmarks and both new and old attenders experienced daily? Can you imagine a life where, by the Spirit of God, people described you as a beloved friend, faithful, bold and a person who dispensed comfort?

I would want to go to that church and bring friends!

How do we get there? We each do our part.

Will we examine the Word today and confess our sin and obstacles that keep us from being like Tychicus?

Who are you? Who are we?

other sermons in this series

Jan 14


The Equipped Christian

Scripture: Ephesians 6:10–20 Series: The Worthy Walk

Jan 7


Embracing Humility

Scripture: Ephesians 6:1–9 Series: The Worthy Walk

Nov 26


The Great Mystery of Marriage

Scripture: Ephesians 5:21–33 Series: The Worthy Walk