Fitting Into God's Eternal Purpose
Series: Stand Alone Message Topic: Ministry Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12:4
Teenagers growing up are always searching on how to ‘fit in’ with their peers in school. Adults do the same in the workplace and in their neighborhoods. But just how do we fit in to God’s eternal purpose? It begins with understanding that Christ is not ‘divided’… (1 Corinthians 1:13) The early followers of Jesus in Corinth fell into divisions because they began to look to men and not to God alone for ultimate leadership. Having multiple giftings, they had forgotten who is the ‘giver’ of the gifts and that gifts are given for the common good, given by one Spirit to glorify Christ alone.
In God’s eternal purpose, we begin to discover how we fit in by: Seeking to Give him Glory – the glory due his name… We are created for His glory and not our own. As we discover who we are in Christ, our identity becomes clear and our giftings become evident. As we serve with our gifts in His Church, it is important also to remember that God’s eternal purposes beyond our local ommunity… Christ’s commandment is to disciple all nations. God’s love is for the whole world. In this global mission effort, we all play a role. We are either senders, ‘sent ones’ or intercessors.
What role are you playing in God’s eternal purpose?
(note: there is no sermon audio for this message)
other sermons in this series
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