True Faith: Wide Awake with an Answer
Preacher: Pastor Pete Hoglund Series: II Peter Topic: Faith Scripture: 2 Peter 3:1–9
When was the last time you took a nap? We hear of the infamous siesta and how valuable it is for prolonged health and emotional well-being. Not in our culture though. But, when Peter begins chapter three in Second Peter he informs the reader to wake up! “I’m writing this letter and my previous one take make sure you are not sleeping but wide awake and alert. I want to remind you to be thinking rightly about what the prophets have said and what the Lord has said through us, his apostles. (3:1-2). Peter wants the reader to be thinking right thoughts about Christ not to be drowsy.
We need to know what we believe so we have answer to the mockers. It is only a matter of time before the mockers come and challenge our convictions. The mockers come deliberately forgetting that God made the world by His word and by the same He will end and judge this world and usher in the next. They forget so they can entertain their lusts. Time is not cyclical but linear. There is a beginning and an end and God will hold all to account (3-7).
But God is patient. God is not on sabbatical. He is not tardy. He is waiting for people to turn to Him in repentance and faith. He does not want people to perish and to be to be the object of His wrath. He is waiting. We who know Him must be compassionate and be advocates of His mercy by pointing people to Him. (8-9). The mockers may have forgotten God’s all powerful word as Creator but we who know Him must not forget that He is eternal, merciful and patient.
Are you awake or asleep when it comes to understanding of what the Bible says?
Is your faith based on feelings or on the Word of God?
How do you think the world will end? Will man bring the end or God?
Have you forgotten how patient God is? Reread 2 Peter 3:8-9
Will you turn to Him today?
True faith is wide awake and has an answer.
other sermons in this series
Jun 9
Preparing for Eternity
Preacher: Pastor Pete Hoglund Scripture: 2 Peter 3:10–18 Series: II Peter
May 19
Truth or Consequences
Preacher: Pastor Pete Hoglund Scripture: 2 Peter 2:1–22 Series: II Peter
May 12
True Faith: Confidence in God's Word
Preacher: Pastor Pete Hoglund Scripture: 2 Peter 1:19–21 Series: II Peter