Welcome, We’re glad you’re here!

We hope to meet you in person soon. If you have any questions, please take a look around our website or contact the church office at 508-528-5862 or office@ebcnorfolk.org.


What time are the worship services?

Our worship services are in-person and online. In person services are at 9:00am. Online service on Youtube is usually available following the 9:00am service. 

How long is the worship service?

Worship service lasts about an hour.


What should I wear?

We do not have a strict dress code. Some will come in jeans, others will come in a suit. We simply ask that you dress with modesty so that all can come to worship without unnecessary distraction. 


What about my Kids?

We provide nursery for children 0-2 upstairs in our Christian Education building (the only staircase that leads up from the main level). 

We also have a class for children ages 2-4 downstairs in the Christian Education building. Currently available for the 9:00am service. When you bring your children for the first time, please be sure to fill out the registration form so we have necessary emergency and contact information. We understand that kids get wiggly and sometimes loud - that's absolutely okay! Children are a blessing, not an inconvenience. If you are used to your kids having a separate service, this may be an adjustment, but we trust you'll be surprised how much they are able to retain. 

Am I expected to give money during the offering?

Usually, under normal circumstances church volunteers will collect an offering. This offering helps support the church. If you are a guest, you are not obligated to give but are welcome to participate. We have a Tithing box located at the entrance where donations and tithes may be dropped off. Others may choose to give online here.


I wouldn’t really call myself a person of faith. Can I come to your church?

Yes. We welcome you with the hope that we share in Jesus Christ. When you come, we hope you will come with a genuine interest in seeking and understanding about what we believe.


Do you offer Bible Studies?

Yes we do. Please look at our current Bible studies. 


What is your relationship with Converge?

Emmanuel Baptist Church is a member of Converge (Formerly Baptist General Conference).

What are your Office Hours?

Tuesday - Friday, 9:30am - 2:30pm. 


Where is the Church Located?

63 Rockwood Rd (Rt. 115)
Norfolk, MA 02056  
Main Phone: 508-528-5862