Get Involved
We are looking for volunteers in several areas of ministry to serve at Emmanuel. If you or anyone you know is interested in serving please reach out to the following contacts.
Multimedia Team: We are looking for help with projection AND/OR sound. Please contact Pastor Kyle DeGagne.
Child and Student Ministry: We are looking for help with Sunday school during service and during CE hour. Please connect with Doris Reynolds or Pastor Kyle DeGagne.
Food Pantry: We are looking for help with the food pantry as we serve our local community. Please connect with Dee Harpin.
Hospitality: We are also looking for help with serving our church body during fellowship hour. If you are willing to serve food and snacks during fellowship hour or prefer to bring in baked goods to share please connect with Doris Reynolds.
Christian Education: We are looking for volunteers to lead prayer time on Wednesday evenings and Bible Studies. Please reach out to Pastor Kyle if you are interested in serving with Christian Education.
Building Maintenance: We are also looking for volunteers to help with our building maintainence. Please connect with Pastor Kyle if you are willing to serve in this capacity.