The Supremacy of Christ
Preacher: Pastor Pete Hoglund Series: The Faithful Church Topic: Faith, Worship Scripture: Colossians 1:15–23
What holds your life together? When life is difficult, when relationships are on the brink, or work is pushing you to the limits, when your finances fall short or when your health breaks down, what is the glue for your very being? When the political landscape seems to be out of control, and world peace has the jitters, when there are threats of the polar icecaps melting or when a hurricane comes to town, is it science or the ingenuity of man that holds our world together? How about the cosmos, the stars and planets on their interstellar courses, what keeps them on track? Answer: Every bird that sings, every blade of grass, every life and breathe on planet earth and all galaxies above were created by and for Jesus and He holds all things together. If ever there was a verse that communicates the deity of Christ it would be Colossians 1:15-17 .
Since He created and holds all things together it stand to reason that He is over the Church. He is the head and the brains of the organization. He holds it together and has since its inception. The Church was His idea. When the time comes He will gather the Church to Himself. But, while we wait He has things for us to do. One family, one body submitting and seeking to understand and be filled with His intentions. Since He created all things for Himself and holds all things together He has first place in everything. Supreme. Pre-eminent. Does Jesus Christ hold first place in your heart over EVERYTHING? (1:18)
It was the Fathers idea from eternity past to send the second person of the Trinity to earth to communicate who He is. In Christ was the fullness of the Father. The Father knew from the beginning the brokenness, alienation and rebellion of man. The Father knew from eternity past creation would be broken because of sin. Every square inch of His world would be corrupted and marred and turn against Him. So, to fix perfectly, He sent His Son who created it all, to reconcile it all back to Him. Whether things on earth or in heaven Jesus’ blood reconciled all things. One day we will see the reality of a reconciled universe but presently we wait. For now we trust in faith that our relationship with Him has been fixed because in Jesus’ broken body our relationship and friendship with God has been restored. Reconciled.
Jesus is supreme over creation (15-17); supreme over the Church (18) and supreme over salvation (19-23). All this is true and what God has said. The question for us all is: will we bend our knees and place Him FIRST in our hearts TODAY. Give thanks and praise to God.
“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! 1 John 3:1 (NIV84)
other sermons in this series
Nov 25
Partnership in Ministry
Preacher: Pastor Pete Hoglund Scripture: Colossians 4:7–18 Series: The Faithful Church
Nov 18
Prayer in the Church
Scripture: Colossians 4:2–6 Series: The Faithful Church
Nov 11
The Christian Household
Preacher: Pastor Pete Hoglund Scripture: Colossians 3:17– 4:1 Series: The Faithful Church