April 21, 2024 


Welcome to EBC! There will be One worship at 9:00AM to 10:00AM. Please join us for Fellowship Hour and Christian Education Hour after the service.

The Nursery is open and available to parents/guardians who need or would like to use it. 

For those who are not able to join us in person, we invite you to join us in worshiping God using the resources below. A suggestion is to sing songs before and after the sermon and pray in between. God is worthy of our praise!


Pastor Kyle DeGagne
The Longest Word in the Bible
James 1:2-4


Note: This Sundays service is available for viewing on Youtube immediately following in-person service.

YouTube Playlist
Children's Bulletins (Ages 3-6)
Children's Bulletins (Ages 7+)

Worship Songs
Soli Deo Gloria
If I don't have Love
How Great Thou Art

Note: The YouTube playlist includes lyrics.


Tithes & Offerings

God has created all things, and he has given us the responsibility of managing what He has entrusted to us. It honors God when we give back a portion of what He has given us in order to help see His Kingdom come and His will be done on earth.

Give to EBC

 Additional Children's Resources

Jr Church Lesson
Jr Church Activity & Puzzle Pages
Kids' Resources for Any Day - button
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For Additional Sermons and Home Worship Guides

See ebcnorfolk.org/sermons.
