Through the Church
Preacher: Pastor Pete Hoglund Series: The Worthy Walk Topic: Faith Scripture: Ephesians 3:1–13
What does your faith in Jesus Christ really cost you? Apart from a few hours on Sundays or a few hours volunteering during the week, what has been the cost for the Lordship of Jesus Christ in your day-to-day operations? In our text this week Paul continues to orient his readers as to great worth as well as challenge to being called a disciple. Later in Ephesians chapter four to six Paul will give some very clear instruction as to how his theology practically works out but for now, Jesus calls us to be prisoners, servants and sufferers for the unity found in the gospel.
Paul in chapter three continues to inform his readers of the mystery or sacred secret that has been hidden. According to one commentary the mystery is not so much that the Gentiles would be saved as much as God would unite Jew and Gentile together to form one new body known as the Church. The Church would be the plan that God would use to declare His design and purposes for humanity with the culmination found in Christ. It was for the message of Christ as Lord as well as the message of unity that Paul was a prisoner. “Paul was Christ Jesus’ man imprisoned.” Like a servant, minister, deacon or waiter, Paul counts his life as less than the least in order to preach this message of Christ as it is worked out together Jew and Gentile side by side. He is not ashamed of his sufferings for the message of grace found in Christ for both Jew and Gentile alike.
When you reflect on your life would you say you are prisoner for the purposes of the gospel? Have you relinquished your rights in order to live wholly for Christ that unity would be seen in the Church?
Would you consider yourself a servant, a minister, a caregiver or waiter of those in need around you in the Church. Is your service more based on convenience or self-sacrifice?
How do you suffer for the gospel?
May the Spirit of God help us to see more each day that Jesus calls us to be prisoners, servants and sufferers for the unity found in the gospel.
other sermons in this series
Jan 21
Who Am I and Who Are You?
Preacher: Pastor Pete Hoglund Scripture: Ephesians 6:21–24 Series: The Worthy Walk
Jan 14
The Equipped Christian
Scripture: Ephesians 6:10–20 Series: The Worthy Walk
Jan 7
Embracing Humility
Scripture: Ephesians 6:1–9 Series: The Worthy Walk