Your Immanence
Preacher: Pastor Pete Hoglund Series: His Coming Topic: Advent Scripture: Matthew 1:23
Eminence, imminence and immanence. Each sounds the same yet each is vastly different. When we walk into the advent season each of the above words are true of our Lord Jesus. He iseminentor preeminent, illustrious, renowned. Jesus’ return isimminentor near, fast approaching and Jesus being fully God is alsoimmanent. He pervades and permeates and sustains all of creation. He sees our every step, knows our every thought and every word before it is on our tongue. He controls the times and weather and nations are a drop in bucket. For all time and all people He is over all. He iseminent and immanent and His return in imminent.
As important and comforting as Godsimmanenceis for the Christian to know Hisimmanencedoes not take us all the way to the incarnation (God becoming flesh) and the human need for Christ’s advocacy for the lost race. Jesus is God with us,Immanuel, our Healer, Helper and Hope.
He is our Healer.In the early narrative of Matthew Joseph is instructed to name the babyJesusbecause He will save his people from their sins. Because of the Fall we will all struggle through life with rebellion, lost-ness, illness and sickness, weakness and fear and the root of human brokenness is sin. The ultimate healing that Jesus brought was that of the healing of the broken relationship between the Father and His creation bringing death to death. (1 Cor 15:53-58 ; Heb 2:10-18 )
He is our Helper.Jesus said He would send the Counselor, Advocate, Comforter. It is the coming of the Lord Jesus who enables the coming of the Holy Spirit who empowers the Word, convicts of sin, brings about new life, counsels, advocates and comforts us in all our troubles. (Ps 94:19; 118:5, Rms 15:5; Is 40:1-2, 51:12; John 15:26 ; 2 Cor 1:3-4 )
He is our Hope.He has rescued us from the present evil age and the dominion of darkness (Gal 1:4 ; Col 1:13 ) presently as well as the coming wrath. He is ourhope for this life and the next.(1 Tim 1:1 , 4:10; 1 Peter 1:3 , 1:21; 1 John 3:1-3 ;l Rev 21:1-4 ).
Where do you find your healing, help and hope in time of need, fear or brokenness?
Where do you find your hope for eternity?
Knowing the immanence of God with us is the beginning. But not until we know Jesus as our Healer, Helper and Hope does true life ring.
Will you seek Him this advent season? Come Lord Jesus.
other sermons in this series
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The Coming of the King
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The Coming of the Shepherd
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Dec 3
The Coming of the Savior
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