Truthful Fellowship
Preacher: Pastor Pete Hoglund Series: This is the Message Topic: Christian Life Scripture: 1 John 2:18–27
The world likes to frame us as a people who are judgmental, spiteful or dogmatic. What if we were a peculiar people who could hold in balance truth and grace? John calls us to be a fellowship of love and Jesus commands us to love each other in such a way that the world will know that we belong to Him by how we love. Grace and truth are equally important to Him and His bride. Truthful Fellowship adores Jesus Christ, knows with confidence the anointing of the Spirit of God and abides in Him. Those who “went out” from the apostles, who denied the deity of Christ, showed themselves to be against the knowledge of what God had given and shown in Christ. John was eager to not be associated with them. He labeled them antichrists.The spirit of the world and the devil has always been working to oppose the knowledge and work of God in the Son (1 John 2:18-19). John, with clarity asserts to his readers that you know Him by the truth. (1 John 2:20-24). And as you abide in Him you will continue to know Him. We are commanded to live, abide, remain in Him. If we remain, live in the truth of Who the Son is and resist the lies of those against Christ, our fellowship would be with God the Father and the Son.
Who is Jesus? Is he a good man, moral teacher and example or the Son of God?
Are you confident in the knowledge that the Spirit has taught you through the Word regarding the uniqueness, supremacy and deity of Christ? God has anointed, given His Spirit to teach us about Christ. Do you know this and rely on the Spirit to guide you regarding life and practice?
What does abiding, living, remaining in Christ look like and how does John 15:4 relate?
other sermons in this series
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