Preacher: Pastor Pete Hoglund Series: The Twelve: Walking With the Minor Prophets Topic: Messiah, Hope, Faithfulness Scripture: Zechariah 1–14
What would you think or do if someone said, “God is going to come and live with you?" You would probably pause and consider your ways or you would think that whoever uttered those words were nuts. Yet, in the context of what the Israelites had just heard from Haggai they were probably inclined to believe the former.
After Haggai had preached his four sermons, calling people to engage and build the Temple, he disappeared. He was done. He had served his purpose and mission. But, God was not done. He rose up another. Zechariah, priest and prophet was the grandson of Iddo who returned to Jerusalem along with Haggai and some 50,000 others. When Haggai was finished he passed the baton to Zechariah who finished the job. He preached to encourage them to finish the job of rebuilding the temple and place God once more before them as the centerpiece of the lives reminding them of present and future faithfulness of God.
Zechariah has been called by many “a little Isaiah” in that there are more declarations about the coming Messiah than any other minor prophet (2:10-12 and Matthew 1:23 ; 3:8-9 and Luke 20:17-18 ; 9:9 and Matthew 21:1-5 ; 11:12-13 and Matthew 26:14-16, 27:3; 3:4 and 1 John 1:7 ; 14:9 and Revelation 21:3 ). The promises that have been given and clearly fulfilled ought to give great encouragement and strength to our faith in the present and coming reign of our beloved Savior.
Thanks be to God for the wonderful book of Zechariah who provides not a only a sobering call of true devotion to our Lord but also an inspired Hope to finish the task He has called us to! Consider your ways and consider your praise!
other sermons in this series
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Jun 10
Preacher: Pastor Pete Hoglund Scripture: Haggai 1–2 Series: The Twelve: Walking With the Minor Prophets
Jun 3
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