True Faith: Confidence in God's Word
Preacher: Pastor Pete Hoglund Series: II Peter Topic: Faith Scripture: 2 Peter 1:19–21
Where you get your information is really important. How do we understand the world around us and interpret reality? The world we live in has determined that there are no absolutes. “What’s right for me may not be right for you.” For the Christian this could not be farther from the truth. True Faith has confidence in Gods Word and how He has designed the world He made.
The Christian has confidence in God’s Word because of what the prophets have said in the past and the reality of those prophecies being fulfilled (2 Peter 1:19). As Peter witnessed the transfiguration and Jesus’ face shinning like the sun Peter probably reflected on all that the prophets had said about the coming Savior. The world and the transfiguration made those prophets even more certain in Peters mind and ours as well. Jesus fulfilled all 321 Old Testament prophecies.
The Christian has confidence in God’s Word because of the hope it inspires. Peter writes that we would do well to pay attention to it as a light shinning in a dark place. (1:19). Do you see the world around you as a dark, dirty and miserable place? The apostle Peter was fully convinced that we have a greater hope than anything this world has to offer and the Word teaches and reminds us our eternal and living hope (Philippians 3:20-21). There will be a day when the Moring Star will rise in our hearts.
Our confidence is in Whose Word it is (1:20-21). Men were carried along by the Holy Spirit of God as they penned what God wanted to communicate to the human race. Through personal life experience and personality, like a sailing vessel carried by the wind, God breathed through these men what we were to know of our Creator and His plan of eternity and salvation. The Word is not the invention of man but the very word of God to man.
How well do you know what the Old Testament says about the coming of the Savior?
Do you think the world is a dark place in need of the light of Christ?
Whose word do you listen to?
True Faith has Confidence in Gods Word.
other sermons in this series
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