Faith In Christ
Series: Foundations for a New Year Topic: Faith Scripture: Hebrews 11:1–4
Faith is the hope that you build your life upon. It’s the foundation of your life. It shapes and drives the way you live each day, the way you respond to uncertainty and anxiety.
Don’t wait until a crisis to live by faith. Instead, live by faith today. Actively trust in God’s provision for you through Jesus Christ, and because you trust in him you can be free from all the pressure to perform, impress, or be perfect. Live with your eye on Christ, not because you’re trying to copy him or imitate him, but because you love him.
Live in faith. Believe God. Trust him. Because you trust God's power and provision, you are free to follow where Christ leads. And when God's leading is risky and others might consider it pretty foolish - pray about it some more, seek counsel from others who love Jesus, and walk by faith.
other sermons in this series
Jan 27
Giving For Christ
Preacher: Pastor Pete Hoglund Scripture: Genesis 39:1–4 Series: Foundations for a New Year
Jan 20
Living Like Christ
Preacher: Pastor Pete Hoglund Scripture: Philippians 2:1–10 Series: Foundations for a New Year
Jan 6
Vision After Christ
Preacher: Pastor Pete Hoglund Scripture: Ephesians 1:22–23, 1 Peter 4:8–11 Series: Foundations for a New Year